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[饮食] 苏格兰推出最老的威士忌 (图) World's oldest malt whiskey

发表于 2010-3-14 09:30:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


苏格兰酒商高登与麦克费尔(Gordon and MacPhail)昨天在爱丁堡城堡举行了特别的仪式,让那一桶陈年威士忌在风笛手与军人的护送下入场。



那一桶莫特拉克威士忌(Mortlach 70-Year-Old Speyside)是装在西班牙橡木制成的桶中。品酒师麦克林形容此单麦威士忌“精緻、清新、生气盎然、富含果香,还带点少有的顺滑感与烟燻香。”他说,那是他所知年份最久的威士忌。他认为:“酒精与橡木在这么长的时间里,产生完美的交互作用。”

The world's oldest malt whisky went on sale today with a price tag of up to £10,000 a bottle.

The Mortlach 70-year-old Speyside was sampled by a select group of tasters in a ceremony at Edinburgh Castle.

Only 54 full-size bottles, costing £10,000 each, and 162 smaller bottles, at £2,500, are available.

The whisky has been released under Gordon and MacPhail's Generations brand.

It was filled into its cask on 15 October 1938 at the order of John Urquhart, the grandfather of the firm's joint managing directors, David and Michael Urquhart.

Exactly 70 years later, the decision was made to empty the cask and bottle its contents.

A bottle of Mortlach was piped into the castle today and tasted by guests in the Queen Anne room.

The Urquharts described it as a malt "without comparison" and said: "This is a very special day for us – one we've literally been anticipating for generations.

"Our family has been in the whisky business for a long time, with each generation building and handing on a lifetime's expertise to the next."

来源:http://news.omy.sg/News/World%2B ... 3130422-135323.html / http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifean ... isky-sale-edinburgh


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