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[教学] Xcode Swift UIPageViewController 放在 ChildView,超简单-视频

发表于 2016-6-18 23:31:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Xcode 7 UIPageViewController Tutorial. This tutorial will cover working with the UIPageViewController. We will also talk about displaying ChildView Controllers, and creating instances of view controllers created in storyboard. The end goal is create a page View controller that will act as an on boarding slideshow that will take users to the main app at the end.

第1 PageViewController on boarding Tutorial

第2 PageViewController addChildViewController addSubView

第3 PageViewController DataSource and Delegate

第4 PageViewController Before and After

第5 PageViewController Clipping and Options

第6 PageViewController Page Protocol and Delegate

第7 PageViewController Show App VC with transitionFromViewController


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