[档案大小]: 5XMB
Internet Explorer Collection–IE浏览器懒人包,装了这个懒人包之后,让你一次拥有从1.0版到最新版8.0 版的IE,可以独立开启而互不相冲,不过,千万注意:安装之前,IE不能设为预设浏览器
Internet Explorer Collection contains the following versions of IE:
* Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
* Internet Explorer 1.5 (
* Internet Explorer 2.01 (2.01.046)
* Internet Explorer 3.0 (3.0.1152)
* Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
* Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
* Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.72.3110.0)
* Internet Explorer 5.01 (5.00.3314.2100)
* Internet Explorer 5.5 (5.51.4807.2300)
* Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2800.1106)
* Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2900.2180)
* Internet Explorer 7.0 (7.00.5730.13)
* Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702)